The foundation models have recently shown excellent performance on a variety of downstream tasks in computer vision. However, most existing vision foundation models simply focus on image-level pretraining and adpation, which are limited for dynamic and complex video-level understanding tasks. To fill the gap, we present general video foundation models, InternVideo, by taking advantage of both generative and discriminative self-supervised video learning. Specifically, InternVideo efficiently explores masked video modeling and video-language contrastive learning as the pretraining objectives, and selectively coordinates video representations of these two complementary frameworks in a learnable manner to boost various video applications. Without bells and whistles, InternVideo achieves state-of-the-art performance on 39 video datasets from extensive tasks including video action recognition/detection, video-language alignment, and open-world video applications. Especially, our methods can obtain 91.1% and 77.2% top-1 accuracy on the challenging Kinetics-400 and Something-Something V2 benchmarks, respectively. All of these results effectively show the generality of our InternVideo for video understanding. The code will be released at .
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Arbitrary style transfer (AST) transfers arbitrary artistic styles onto content images. Despite the recent rapid progress, existing AST methods are either incapable or too slow to run at ultra-resolutions (e.g., 4K) with limited resources, which heavily hinders their further applications. In this paper, we tackle this dilemma by learning a straightforward and lightweight model, dubbed MicroAST. The key insight is to completely abandon the use of cumbersome pre-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (e.g., VGG) at inference. Instead, we design two micro encoders (content and style encoders) and one micro decoder for style transfer. The content encoder aims at extracting the main structure of the content image. The style encoder, coupled with a modulator, encodes the style image into learnable dual-modulation signals that modulate both intermediate features and convolutional filters of the decoder, thus injecting more sophisticated and flexible style signals to guide the stylizations. In addition, to boost the ability of the style encoder to extract more distinct and representative style signals, we also introduce a new style signal contrastive loss in our model. Compared to the state of the art, our MicroAST not only produces visually superior results but also is 5-73 times smaller and 6-18 times faster, for the first time enabling super-fast (about 0.5 seconds) AST at 4K ultra-resolutions. Code is available at
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at
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We study a novel and important communication pattern in large-scale model-parallel deep learning (DL), which we call cross-mesh resharding. This pattern emerges when the two paradigms of model parallelism - intra-operator and inter-operator parallelism - are combined to support large models on large clusters. In cross-mesh resharding, a sharded tensor needs to be sent from a source device mesh to a destination device mesh, on which the tensor may be distributed with the same or different layouts. We formalize this as a many-to-many multicast communication problem, and show that existing approaches either are sub-optimal or do not generalize to different network topologies or tensor layouts, which result from different model architectures and parallelism strategies. We then propose two contributions to address cross-mesh resharding: an efficient broadcast-based communication system, and an "overlapping-friendly" pipeline schedule. On microbenchmarks, our overall system outperforms existing ones by up to 10x across various tensor and mesh layouts. On end-to-end training of two large models, GPT-3 and U-Transformer, we improve throughput by 10% and 50%, respectively.
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离线增强学习吸引了人们对解决传统强化学习的应用挑战的极大兴趣。离线增强学习使用先前收集的数据集来训练代理而无需任何互动。为了解决对OOD的高估(分布式)动作的高估,保守的估计值对所有输入都具有较低的价值。以前的保守估计方法通常很难避免OOD作用对Q值估计的影响。此外,这些算法通常需要失去一些计算效率,以实现保守估计的目的。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单的保守估计方法,即双重保守估计(DCE),该方法使用两种保守估计方法来限制政策。我们的算法引入了V功能,以避免分发作用的错误,同时隐含得出保守的估计。此外,我们的算法使用可控的罚款术语,改变了培训中保守主义的程度。从理论上讲,我们说明了该方法如何影响OOD动作和分布动作的估计。我们的实验分别表明,两种保守的估计方法影响了所有国家行动的估计。 DCE展示了D4RL的最新性能。
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增加片上光子神经网络(PNN)的层数对于改善其模型性能至关重要。但是,网络隐藏层的连续级联导致更大的集成光子芯片区域。为了解决此问题,我们提出了光学神经常规微分方程(ON-ON-ON-OD-ON-OD-ON-OD-ON-OD-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ODINE),该架构用光ODE求解器参数化了隐藏层的连续动力学。 On-Ode包括PNN,然后是光子积分器和光反馈回路,可以配置为代表残留的神经网络(RESNET)和复发性神经网络,并有效地降低了芯片面积占用率。对于基于干扰的光电非线性隐藏层,数值实验表明,单个隐藏层ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ONE表示与图像分类任务中的两层光学重新系统大致相同。此外,Onode提高了基于衍射的全光线性隐藏层的模型分类精度。 On-Eod的时间依赖性动力学属性进一步应用于高精度的轨迹预测。
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基于3DCNN,ConvlSTM或光流的先前方法在视频显着对象检测(VSOD)方面取得了巨大成功。但是,它们仍然遭受高计算成本或产生的显着图质量较差的困扰。为了解决这些问题,我们设计了一个基于时空存储器(STM)网络,该网络从相邻帧中提取当前帧的有用时间信息作为VSOD的时间分支。此外,以前的方法仅考虑无时间关联的单帧预测。结果,模型可能无法充分关注时间信息。因此,我们最初将框架间的对象运动预测引入VSOD。我们的模型遵循标准编码器 - 编码器体系结构。在编码阶段,我们通过使用电流及其相邻帧的高级功能来生成高级的时间特征。这种方法比基于光流的方法更有效。在解码阶段,我们提出了一种有效的空间和时间分支融合策略。高级特征的语义信息用于融合低级特征中的对象细节,然后逐步获得时空特征以重建显着性图。此外,受图像显着对象检测(ISOD)中常用的边界监督的启发,我们设计了一种运动感知损失,用于预测对象边界运动,并同时对VSOD和对象运动预测执行多任务学习,这可以进一步促进模型以提取提取的模型时空特征准确并保持对象完整性。在几个数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们方法的有效性,并且可以在某些数据集上实现最新指标。所提出的模型不需要光流或其他预处理,并且在推理过程中可以达到近100 fps的速度。
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